settling on '88 5kcstq instead of '91 200 or V8?
Ameer Antar
ameer at
Sat Dec 9 23:05:02 EST 2000
At 08:01 PM 12/9/2000 , you wrote:
>Ameer, maybe your brakes are fine for you, but the G60s are not the
>best setup and IMHO, don't compare to the UFOs for street use.
I'm not sure, but I don't think mine are G60's. My car is a '84 5kT. I
think the calipers were a different kind of Girling or something. I think
buying brand new OEM calipers and m/c really made sure everything was up to
spec, which I think is really where the car is at or near now, as far as
brakes. But I really can't comment on G60's [I think]. UFO's scare me b/c
of the maintenance and the horror stories I've having to pay
$$$ for parts and warped rotors causing danger driving. I just believe more
that conventional designs are better for bigger, heavier cars on the road.
A lot of inertia has to go through the braking system, and I think it's
better to have a big heavy slab of metal handling it, than a ufo...
>My brakes are setup properly and maintained properly:
>Rebuilt calipers
>Ate Powerdisc rotors
>New OEM lines
>Mintex Redbox pads
>Ate SuperBlue fluid
>Properly pressure-bled
>MC is fine, accumulator is fine
>Hydraulic brake booster is new
>ABS is functional and fine
>The brakes fade in spirited street driving (pads smoke, but that's
>because of my choice in pads, not the fault of the brakes).
why red pads? I like the OE.
>I think you should re-evaluate the use of ABS- it's a life-saver in
>lower-traction situations and very helpful in accident avoidance
>manuevers. You must have excellent threshold braking skills to scorn
>ABS. Now in deep snow, that's a whole different situation.
I like driving my dad's wagon w/ abs in the snow. I actually like driving
much's just so fun knowing you can always stomp on the brakes and
still stop in packed snow. Big snow tires always help out a lot too. I
don't like ABS in the dry, b/c you get pulses sometimes when I think it's
unnecessary. It'd be nice to just turn it off when it's dry. What reason
does Audi give for even putting in a switch? The thing is I don't ride
tails that much. Back when I drove the '84 Chevy wagon that leaked a quart
a weak through the side gaskets, I used to think the best way to get fuel
economy was to try to drive while never using a break, just letting go of
the accelerator in time. You gotta admit, that's how I got 20mpg out of
that 2.8 double-barrel w/ dead choke....I think maybe you should
re-evaluate your thinking on the use of the brake pedal ;>
Actually, on the 5kT I used to use the brake pedal all the time. I loved
driving in Boston or NYC, speeding up real quick and stopping 60ft at the
next light or pedestrian ;> It was sort of as fun using the brakes as it
was using the gas. Even w/ that style driving, I could still get 21mpg on
93 octane. And it's nice knowing your brakes will hold up to that abuse. I
don't know I guess I just think a up-to-spec stock setup is really decent
especially on Audi and compared to a Bow-Tie...
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