re. where to buy upgraded rotors
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at
Sat Dec 9 22:38:26 EST 2000
Rod has them for like $120 or maybe a bit more with no pads.
But you can get Hawk HPS or Porterfield R4-S (Same pad) for
about $60. Paul Weston, Paul Weston Motorsports has these.
Great Pads. A 4kq with stock brakes (drilled rotors) with
these pads will outbrake a G-60 equipped 4kq with Metal Masters.
BTST. :-)
If you want slotted rears you need to call a place up in
Canada. THere is SureStop and one other down the street. One
of them has VERY cheap prices on slotted front and rear rotors.
Like $45 us Dollars for slotted rears I know. Just did it.
Best of luck
--- "Swann, Benjamin R. (BSWANN)" <BSWANN at> wrote:
> You can do better than this. Unless, of course, under $200 is
> the total
> price for all four wheels including both rotors and pads, then
> it doesn't
> sound like a bad deal at all.
> Talk to Rod Ramsey, rod at 1-800-472-1144.
> Also, you might want to consider Pagid Pads, as well, as I
> understand they
> wear the ATE's less quickly. I do, however have the Metal
> Masters with ATE
> Powerdisk in front, and the combination works great, so far.
> <I am in the need for some new rotors for my 87 5ktq and would
> like to
> upgrade to slotted ATE's, I know that Blau has them for just
> under $200 w/
> metalmasters. I really didn't want to spend that much! Any one
> know of a
> better deal???? Tim>
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