Audi movies on website...

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at
Sat Dec 9 00:04:36 EST 2000

Phil, et. al, 

I wonder how much has to do with the last muffler on the UrQ. In my '84
4KQ, the P.O. had installed an UrQ final muffler, which necessitated
modifying the lower rear valence to relocate the twin tail pipes closer
to the center of the car. Though the body work was reasonably well done,
it was still apparent to the more serious observer (i.e. me, the buyer).
Anyway, my 4KQ was the absolute MEANEST sounding 4K I've ever heard. Even
muscle car owners, upon hearing it idle, kept asking, "What's that thing
got in it?". They absolutely LOVED the sound. Sounded awesome reved up,
too. Made downshifting at all tunnels and overpasses with open
windows/sunroof a requirement. The drawback was on extended highway
trips, the drone was, well, a drag. Having recently riden in Smitty's
UrQ, I'd say the sound was remarkably similar, but the UrQ was quieter
(possibly b/c the turbo absorbs some sound, which it should if it's being
an effiencent energy transfer device). 


On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 00:17:04+0000 quk at
>I have an ur-quattro with an MB engine and a Type 44 with an MC-2.
>Almost physically identical.  The Type 44 is the more powerful, has
>the higher top speed, but sounds like nothing at all.  A bit of
>different tubing in the ur-quattro produces the most gorgeous
>understated rumble.

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