turbo coolant pump

Aleksander Mierzwa alexaudi at kki.net.pl
Mon Dec 11 10:44:18 EST 2000

At 12:47 00-12-08 -0500, Ameer Antar wrote:

>what's the solution then? surely not just changing pumps every year, and 
>how do you know exactly when the pump fails if it still buzzes???

The pump uses magnetic coupling between the motor and impeller. The problem
is, there's lot of small metal/rust particles flowing with the coolant.
This crud sticks to the impeller (as it has a magnet inside) and finally
causes the impeller to seize. It is impossible to clean this out, because
you can't disasseble the plastic impeller housing without cracking it
(BTDT). You can prolong the pump lifespan by flushing the cooling system
regularely. I was also thinking about tie-wrapping couple of magnets to the
inlet hose, so the crud doesn't flow into the pump. When the impeller
seizes, the afterrun fan starts to run for 20 minutes (time limit set in
the fan controller - my post on how to modify it is somewhere in the
archives) every time it engages, which usually causes battery rundown

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 5KT

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