coolant fill tank repair

Bill Rowe browe58 at
Mon Dec 11 20:38:51 EST 2000

$5 at just about any junkyard.  that's your best bet.  

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Peter Golledge
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 6:31 PM
To: patrick flynn
Cc: quattro at
Subject: Re: coolant fill tank repair

> Help,
> Is there an epoxy or other sealant to stop a leak in the plastic overflow
> tank, patient is an 86 5000S, or does anyone have a source for a
> replacement in the Boston area. Thanks

I would recommend against it.  I did a thorough job patching one using a
good quality epoxy whilst waiting for a mail order part.... it lasted
just 3 days of daily driving and failed as I started draining coolant.
TPC can get the tanks for a good price I recall.

Peter Golledge

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