Why is my Audi 5000 Passengers front door handle so hard to open?

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Mon Dec 11 23:17:06 EST 2000

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed; 
>I find I can keep the 5k exterior doorhandles working smoothly if I 
>squirt a little penetrating/lubricating oil in behind the actuating 
>lever, into the keyhole and into the latching mechanism on the edge 
>of the door once every couple of months.  I used to use WD40,  but I 
>just started with some teflon-reinforced stuff and it may last 
>longer.  I've done this on my 4K and 5K cars, which all use that 
>same style of handle.  I've also found that if you push in on the 
>outer part of the handle (relieving pressure on the latch) while 
>squeezing the "trigger",  the latch releases easier.
>You can get new posts for the latch at a dealership.  I doubt the 
>plastic thingy will survive long.

Actually, mine have survived a year now, and look just fine. You have 
to align them carefully to prevent screwing up the new ones 
immeidately though.
Joshua Van Tol -- josh at spiny.com

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