cold start problems

Calvin Krug ckrug at
Tue Dec 12 00:53:11 EST 2000

Over the last week or so, I've been having trouble starting my 200. 
The colder it is, and longer it has been sitting, the worse it is. 
Today it was 40 outside, and it started on the first crank. 
Yeasterday, it was 20, and I spent 5 minutes before it even tried to 
fire.  I'm thinking maybe a bad cold start injector, but I thought 
I'd ask the list.  The less time I have to spend tracking this down, 
the better.
The good news is that it's finally snowing here, my first real 
opportunity to test out the quattro system on the way to work 
tomorrow. :-)

Calvin K.
Before I criticize a man, I walk a mile in his shoes. That way,
if he gets angry, he's a mile away -- and barefoot.

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