GT'S (now galvanizing)

Wallace White wallacewhite at
Tue Dec 12 07:25:08 EST 2000

Phil -

Very interesting. Why is it they couldn't galvanize the entire,
assembled frame? That's what I've done with sheet metal parts I've
designed--just have them zinc-plate or hot-dip the whole thing.


- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 167k at wrote:
> > I think there's a difference between having the body/frame stamped from
> > galvanized steel panels and attaching individual galvanized panels to an
> > otherwise ungalvanized structure.  The 4k cars and their stablemates may
> > have galvanized bits and pieces added on (something like a quarterpanel or
> > a door skin), but that's not like the 5K cars from '86 on.
> The key difference is not the material but the way it's cut.  The Type
> 44 was not only produced from pre-galvanised sheet metal - the
> guillotines and presses were specifically designed to maintain the 100%
> coating.
> The technique used to shear the metal and push the zinc coating down into
> the cut to maintain the coating even across the cut face is the key.
> It's why full galvanisation was only introduced with body shell shape
> changes - never halfway through the production of a given shape.
> --
>  Phil Payne
>  UK Audi quattro Owners Club
>  Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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