turbo coolant pump
Pat Korach
tm2 at zipcon.net
Tue Dec 12 07:35:16 EST 2000
Probably one of the biggest problems you would have with the pumps is the
water temp.
It can get pretty high so pumps would have to withstand those high water
Pat Korach
Kirklan, WA
Kevin Phillips wrote:
> > The pump uses magnetic coupling between the motor and impeller. The
> problem
> > is, there's lot of small metal/rust particles flowing with the
> coolant.
> > This crud sticks to the impeller (as it has a magnet inside) and
> finally
> > causes the impeller to seize. It is impossible to clean this out,
> because
> > you can't disasseble the plastic impeller housing without cracking it
> > (BTDT).
> There are pumps available in the photo-finishing world that could work
> for us. The pumps on the Noritsu machines are 12V magnetically coupled
> plastic head devices with a head that can be disassembled and cleaned
> out. If they can stand the chemicals in photo-finishing then coolant
> won't even touch them.
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