[200q20v] winter oil and nasty comments

Bill Rowe browe58 at netzero.net
Tue Dec 12 20:49:05 EST 2000

i use mobil 1 10w30 on my type 44's for nh winter temps.  i noticed mobil
makes a 5w30 as well as a 0w30 but i recall reading somewhere that vw/audi
advises against using anything thinner than 10w30.  what's your opinion?

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of C1J1Miller at aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:12 AM
To: knotnook at traverse.com; mtrank at exch.co.albemarle.va.us;
200q20v at audifans.com
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [200q20v] winter oil and nasty comments

I think you're fine with the 15 weight oil with those winter temps. Biggest
issue is the turbo bearing; it might not allow that thick cold oil to
circulate very well...

In a message dated Tue, 12 Dec 2000  8:27:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,
Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com> writes:

<< I put 100K miles on my first Audi, an '86 4Kq, using Castrol 10W40 dino
engine oil year around.   In northern Michigan, we get winter temps in the
20's (F) and occasional spells down to 20 below zero.  Summer temps average
near 80 with some spikes above 100.  We've kept that car, which has half
the body swiss-cheesed by rust, around  as a potential source of parts for
the other 4Kq that my wife drove until our recent purchase of a V8 for her,
and the other day I started it up and drove it around our 10 acres.  Engine
ran strong as ever.  The owner manual in the 4K said the car needed no
significant stationary warm-up,  just gentle driving until warmed up, and
that's how I've always treated it.  Maybe that's why the body rusted so
badly? :~)

At 11:12 AM 11/08/2000 -0500, Mark Trank wrote:

>Fellow listers:
>I've monitored various posts since joining the list concerning the correct
>oil weight(s) for winter driving.  I use Mobil 1 15w-50 in my 200q and
>recall that some owners prefer 15w-40 or 15w-30 during the coldest months,
>while others stay with the heavier oil throughout.  FYI, I'm in Central
>Virginia and winters here are mostly moderate (40's), with occasional cold
>snaps in the 20's and 30's, with snow, ice etc.  My view at this point is
>stay with 15w-50 but make sure I leave adequate warming time for the engine
>on the coldest days, which I would do regardless of which oil I use (though
>school drop-off times for the kids sometimes forces an earlier than optimal
>departure time!)

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