long distance q purchases

Patrick Washburn washburn at dwave.net
Wed Dec 13 07:48:27 EST 2000

Here, here.  I bought my TQ Wagon from half a country away, and prior to 
that I bought my competition Neon from half a country away in the other 
direction.  Both times, I got what I expected due to good communication and 
asking the right questions.  Go for it, but use simple common sense and a 
slightly suspicious nose.

> I second Steve's comments.  (Maybe third or more by the time of this 
> response)  I have been buying long distance since 1996.  It has been 
> satisfying and rewarding, both financially and aesthetically.  It boils 
> down to economics and what you want, in my view.  Every time I have gone 
> long distance, it is because it is the car I want at the best price even 
> factoring in plane tickets, hotel, travel, etc.  Plus, it's 
> fun!  Generally, the sellers will be 98% up front with you.  This, sadly, 
> does not always apply to dealers.  You still have to be prepared mentally 
> to abandon the project and continue the hunt.
> HK

Patrick Washburn
C-Tech Trailer Cabinets
Wausau, WI
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