long distance q purchases

Bill Rowe browe58 at netzero.net
Wed Dec 13 10:35:18 EST 2000

not worth the 1500 mile trek.  don't know where you live but they're pretty
common here in new england and i've seen avants advertised for less than
$10k.  and i can guarantee you it won't be perfect or as perfect as the
previous owner wants you to believe.  so again, not worth the 1500 mile
trek.  personally, the furthest i'll drive to check out a car is 100 miles.
i don't always exercise it, but the key to finding the right car w/ the
minimal amount of effort is to be patient.  there are always better deals
than the one you're contemplating.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Ken Keith
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 9:50 AM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: long distance q purchases

Question for my fellow audifans.

What would you say is the limit as far as reasonable distances you
have driven or would drive to buy a special car that you found for
sale, say, on the internet?

I was thinking about how to do this, and it seemed like it would
take a lot of time away from work, aside from the long drive itself.

It makes me wonder if I'm not thinking in practical terms.  I've really
just about rationalized a purchase of a '91 200.  I don't want car
payments, so I guess I'll let the agony drag out and force myself to
focus on my upcoming engine swap project, which should be more
than enough to occupy me.  I think I'd rather drive them than work
on them tho'.

My '88 5kcstq is really growing on me.  It is a damn fine car, or has
the potential to be.  I really need to get some seat time in a '91 200
I think.  Reading those magazine reviews on Chris Miller's site got
me pretty interested.

On my original question, how about 1,500 miles one way, for a
$10k 91 200?  While working M-F?



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