Groaning sound need help

Peter Buss buss_p at
Wed Dec 13 11:18:14 EST 2000


I think that I may have sent this a few seconds ago
but I'm not sure. I hit the enter key and the message
dissapeared. Don't think that it giot sent but can't
find it either. Anyways here is the problem:

My 87 4kcsq is making a hollow groaning sound from the
front end. The sound is most noticeable at very low
speeds <40mph. My first thought was a dragging brake
caliper so I pulled all four wheels and the claipers
are slidding smoothly and don't appear to be dragging.
Applying the brakes while driving does nothing to the
sound. I think that this rules out a severly warped
rotor. Turning right or left at any speed also does
not affect the sound. 

Any suggestions are appreciated. Possibly a wheel
bearing or tranny problem?

Thanks for the help,
Peter Buss
87 4kcsq 145K

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