V8q spotted in MA RT 3S

Justin Wamboldt jwamboldt at moseleycorp.com
Thu Dec 14 11:34:44 EST 2000

> Hi all,
> 	Spotted a pearl 1990(???)V8q last night while sitting in traffic
> on route 3 south in the Bedford/Burlington stretch.  It had 
> New Hampshire
> plates and started with the letter "M".  Is it a listers car? 
>  Car hasn't
> aged a bit even though it's probably 10 years old.  I was in 
> my 92 100CSq.
> To all the MA listers:  Have fun in the snow!!!!
Don't worry, I am, my 96 A4 2.8Q is my first Quattro as well as my first
Audi. Just drove it today in snow for the first time. Quite a difference
when compared to the Sedan DeVille I used to drive. I just wish they
wouldn't put all that damn sand and salt down, it gets the car dirty too
fast and I certainly don't need it for traction.


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