Friends 4kq leaning under WOT

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Thu Dec 14 12:21:51 EST 2000

Subject line says it all,
  Felt like a fuel problem to me but I figured a new fuel filter
would fix it since it was an OLD filter.  Well, it didn't.  
Under WOT thought the car is leaning out (I cheated and hooked
up my Mix Gauge to verify) :-)  When it does so it almost feels
like its running on 4 cyl's.  Man.  Really loses power.  
Anyhow, I could try replacing Fuel Pump.  And I'll double check
the WOT switch.  But on the NA's it seems even without WOT
switch they still run decently.  So whats next.  If the pump is
fine and WOT switch are fine, just wondering what else I should
  #5 cyl has lost a bit of compression so is that injector maybe
fried and not delivering the fuel at WOT causing it to torture
itself?  I dont think that would cause as drastic a change to
lean condition on the Gauge though with only one cyl having

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