best wreck of the morning commute (NAC)

Nate Stuart nathan.stuart at
Thu Dec 14 15:23:52 EST 2000

Southbound tractor trailer pulled a 180 on a two lane divided highway, crossed 
the median (read big 20' wide gully) backwards with the final resting position 
facing northbound with the cab portion on the shoulder of the northbound lane 
and the trailer slid back down into the gully. Quite impressive in person! I'm 
amazed the thing didn't flip...

Drive safe all,

> Best wreck of my ice-accentuated morning commute: A spanking new Jetta
> that
> left a country road and somehow landed in the lowest branches of a big
> fir
> tree.  The car appeared to have nary a scratch, but getting it out of
> the
> tree is gonna be hell.
> Shaun Mullen
> Yorklyn, DE

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