Lubing window regulators

Craig Lebakken lebakken at
Thu Dec 14 15:45:09 EST 2000

Probably a good idea Brendan. I have some synthetic greases
that I use for my mountain bike that would work real well. I
mean the stuff begs for water and mud, so this would be an
easy application. If I have to rebuild another window, I
will probably use this. But the lithium grease has worked
well for three years now.......

Craig Lebakken

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brendan/Coolian" <coolian at>
To: "Craig Lebakken" <lebakken at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Lubing window regulators

> I've found lithium grease doesn't stick around long
enough.  The cables rub
> it out of the channels within a few months.  I have always
used blue wheel
> bearing grease ( I think that's the name) after Huw lent
me some and it
> worked for a LOT longer than white litium.
> Brendan
> >Lithium grease has worked great on my best working window
> >for two years now. Be sure to give the channels on each
> >a _light_ film, as well as all the stuff in the
> >roller area. Not a difficult job, albeit time consuming,

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