Tyre/tires for snow and ice

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Dec 15 21:20:57 EST 2000

Anybody know where-all it's legal to drive with studs?    I think more 
states have outlawed them than permit them.

At 11:49 PM 12/15/2000 +0000, Erik Ringelberg wrote:

>The Blizzack 15 was a tremendous improvement over the old school snows. 
>However, it was noisy, wore unevenly, soft sidewall, and worthless when 
>worn. The second generation is vastly better (50's etc.), and now 
>comparable to the Yok Guardex. (Even copied the patented fibres!)
>Please do not confuse even these new generation tires to any modern 
>studded tire, such as the HK 01-02, Gislaved, etc. There is no comparison. 
>I can readily out corner/brake/accelerate any non-studded tire. The real 
>advantage is how quiet the multicell tires are now. Even my ecostud hak1 
>is much louder than the much larger Brid. Blizz. on my truck.
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