Beware the Boneyard...

Rodger Donaldson rodgerd at
Mon Dec 18 20:54:18 EST 2000

On Sun, Dec 17, 2000 at 07:26:03PM -0500, Bill Rowe wrote:

> shokan is another outfit that loves to sell used parts for more than what
> they can be had new.  guess they believe in the saying that a sucker is born
> everyday.

People are trained to believe that dealer mechanics are always more
expensive and that second hand parts are a bargain.  I had to be disabused
of the former notion the hard way, having supported a local mechanic for a
number of years (gotta look after the little guy, right?), until one
particularly steep quote for some work included stuff I'd asked to be done

Took it to the dealer for that make of car - they quoted several hundred
less for the same work.  And actually did it, too.

Rodger Donaldson		rodgerd at
"Enjoy our thick wad of travesty."

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