climate control

james accordino ssgacc at
Mon Dec 18 09:54:12 EST 2000

--- Edward Birch <edwbirch at> wrote:
> Good evening everyone.....
> More electrical problems with my 1991 100.   The
> climate control system
> doesn't seem to hold temperature at times.  Usually
> temperatures of about
> 75-80 malfunction.   The outside temperature diode
> flashes; somekind of
> code, I suppose.  But, I have no idea on how to read
> this code, and what the
> code means.   Did Audi purchase electrical products
> from Lucas of England??

Worse!  GM-generally malfunctions.  Hey, if it's good
enough for 80's Cadillacs...  Audi got hosed on that

> Some advice, please.

Sorry, I don't have the codes for the climate control
here, and I never had much problems with the control

Jim Accordino


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