Blistein prices

Keith Lawyer wbr90 at
Mon Dec 18 10:59:12 EST 2000

What shox told me a few days ago was that it was
dependent upon if you have the 10 or 12mm thread on
your rear struts.  I honestly have no idea which I
have.  In any case, there's a sport application for
one, but not for the other (can't remember).  If you
look closely at the application chart online it eludes
to this in a somewhat confusing fashion.
  This was for my '89 200, I'm ass-uming your '87 5ktq
would be the same.

Keith L.
--- "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at> wrote:
> Just got my quotes from for blisteins for
> my 87 5ktq with Eibach
> Prosprings and it looks like i need to go with the
> Sport shock in the front
> (pn p360369) and a Heavy Duty in the rear (BE52593).
>  Is this what others
> are running with the Eibach prokits?  I was told
> there wasnt a listing for a
> sport rear shock for the 5ktq.  Any ideas here?
> Rob

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