continous key lock freeze

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Dec 18 15:52:01 EST 2000

Lube 'em up.  I start before it freezes squirting a bit of silicone/teflon 
spray into the key cylinders and behind the triggers on my 4 & 5K cars with 
those durned Team Doorhandle rigs.  I've got some little plastic caps I 
made to cover the lock opening when I take one to the spray-wash during the 
winter to get rid of road salt.

At 09:13 AM 12/18/2000 -0500, Mathieu Tetrault wrote:

>each time it too  cold my door look on my 4000 frezze. is there a way i can
>prevent this?

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