something ? with lock

Perry, Chris chris.perry at
Mon Dec 18 14:41:16 EST 2000

What you are probably hearing is the vacuum pump for the Central Locking
System.  The pump should not be active for that long, should only be about
two seconds. You most likely have a vacuum leak in one of the lines to
another door or trunk which is causing the pump to run long.  The reason you
can't unlock the door when you hear this sound is that you are trying to go
against the pump while it is locking the door.  It is recommended you wait
until the pump is done before trying to unlock the door. 

Chris Perry

-----Original Message-----
From: Konstantin Bogach [mailto:konstantin.bogach at]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 2:09 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: something ? with lock

Hi all.

I did not learn yet lock system in my Audi200tq 89 but it could  not
when I lock the door something  make a buzz  under rear seat for 20 sec
then stop. During this time I can not unlock the car. Is something going
to die?

First time I heard that buzz was when I connected - terminla to the
battery last time. Before I did not hear it, even when
connected/disconnected the battery.

What is wrong?


Konstantin Bogach.

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