Where is the Switch for the Boot/Trunk Light?

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Tue Dec 19 02:05:00 EST 2000

On my 92 the switch is incorporated in the lock cylinder mechanism, I'm pretty
sure Simon's car has the same switch. Me moms 94 Vento (aka Jetta in the US) has
the switch in the lock cylinder, as did my former Audi, a 92 100 Avant.


"Perry, Chris" wrote:

> I've never had to do this with my 89 90q.  There is a switch in the trunk
> (boot) lid.  It is on the lower edge of the lid.  You should be looking
> straight at it if your trunk is open.  Well at 6'3'' I look straight at it.
> HTH,
> Chris Perry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Per Lindgren [mailto:lindgre at online.no]
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 4:54 PM
> To: SIMON HOLTBY; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Where is the Switch for the Boot/Trunk Light?
> You need to turn on the parking lights for the boot light to light up. Quite
> stupid setup from Audi, I'm gonna rewire this in my Cabrio.
> PerL
> 92 Cab 2.3

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