Rear drive 5K

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Dec 18 20:26:15 EST 2000

At 04:24 PM 12/18/2000 -0600, Sperry, Peter  A -Syntegra MN wrote:

>Here in Minneapolis it's been snowing pretty good the last few days, and
>it's given me a chance to play in the snow in my Audi.  The problem is this:
>when going around a corner, I make the corner (barely) and then the tail end
>spins out.  It feels like either my rear tires are bald and the
>accelleration in the turn causes them to plane out on top of the snow.
>However, the tires are fine, they are not snow tires, but M&S rated.  They
>are the ones that were on it when I bought it, and are made by Duralon
>(cheapies I'm sure).  Are my tires the problem?

>That would be My guess.

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