Where is the Switch for the Boot/Trunk Light?

Huw Powell audi at mediaone.net
Mon Dec 18 20:44:33 EST 2000

> > I bought a 94 Audi 80 TDI yesterday and the only fault I can find so far
> > is that the boot light does not work. I have prised out the bulb assembly
> > and there is 12V there and the bulb is OK. This leads me to believe that
> > the switch is faulty. Trouble is I cannot find it.
> You need to turn on the parking lights for the boot light to light up. Quite
> stupid setup from Audi, I'm gonna rewire this in my Cabrio.

not so on my 90, but true for the hood light and on all the glovebox
lights I've seen.  I agree, quite anti-ergonomic... especially the hood

Huw Powell



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