Fogging windows!!! HELP!!

Ameer Antar ameer at
Mon Dec 18 20:41:49 EST 2000

yep, prolly a broken or slipped spring on the fresh-air vent. The vent is 
behind the glovebox and is just a flap that will prolly be open. This 
re-circulates air, which you only want when the a/c is on anyway. There's 
s'posed to be a spring which holds the flap shut, but it can break or slip 
off. You may still have enough of the old spring to work w/ or you might 
need a new one. Just be careful when you put it in, b/c it can snap your 
fingers as you try to reattach it. That should fix the problem. But also 
make sure the flap opens when you turn on the a/c. There's a vacuum 
solenoid in the flap that forces it open when it gets vacuum from the a/c 

tint takes forever to dry...and it took a good week for mine to look dry. 
After that the guy told me it was still wet for one more week, but really 
under the film. It was always fogged up for at least a week. Fogging is no 
good for tint, but you can't always help it. The fogging might actually be 
coming from the tint if this is the first week, b/c the tint holds some 
warmth and is still moist for 2+ weeks. If the flap is ok, it's likely the 
tint, which will go away in couple weeks.


At 10:04 PM 12/18/2000 , you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:tpsidders1 at>Tim Sidders
>To: <mailto:200q20v at>20v quattro list
>Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 7:03 PM
>Subject: Fogging windows!!! HELP!!
>Hi all,
>I recently have discovered with all the snow we've been getting that my 
>windows are always fogging. I just had them tinted and i have cleaned them 
>really good once. P/O was a smoker, I know that tends to fog the windows. 
>I don't think my heater core is bad cuz I cant smell any antifreeze and 
>there is no film on the windows. Could this be caused by a bad fresh air 
>vent or something. Thanks for the help in advance!
>91 200 20v

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