4KQ Front Chin/Lip Spoilers?

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Tue Dec 19 15:03:46 EST 2000

Kamei still offer a front spoiler for the 4k, see it at this link:
You may need to copy and paste this one.

92 Cab 2.3

"Ricky H." wrote:

> Does any of you listers have any clue where I can get a chin spoiler for my
> 87 4KQ.  It now seems that Blaufernugen will never be getting them in again,
> and there are only a handful of people who got them.  Its killing me because
> I ordered one from them in april and never received it yet.  It's a miracle
> how the spoiler makes the car look so much better!!  I'm on a mission to
> find one, and a secondary mission to make my car faster.  Any information on
> improvements to making the best Audi that exsisted look any better would be
> greatly appriciated! Thanks.  Drive on! "The 4000 Quattro, a suspension so
> over built that Audi never built it again!"
> -Rick Heinlein
> 1987 4000CS Quattro w/super suspension
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