TQW Off Boost Misfire - Update

Steve Jensen sjensen at mindspring.com
Tue Dec 19 20:37:36 EST 2000

After suffering through over a week of misfiring on my TQW, I replaced the
distributor cap, rotor, plugs and plug wires.  Coil wire was outta spec and
that seemed to take care of it, or so I thought.  On the way to the Atlanta
Audi group meeting she ran fine, then I guess she got jealous of me drooling
over Paul Cassara's new 91 200q20vt and started misfiring on the way home.

Took the meter to the coil and the thingie over the coil (whose name escapes
me) and all the readings were within spec, but I remember someone posting
that although the coil ohmed out okay, their misfire was solved by replacing
the coil.

So this past weekend I changed the coil w/one from the parts car in 26
degree temps (woohoo! brrrr).  Started it up and it ran like a champ, the
slight off idle bobble was gone and no more misfire.

I tried to find your name but was unsuccessful, so whoever you were that
posted that vital tidbit - thank you!

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq
87 5kcstqw (who doesn't sound like Roger Daltrey on "My G-G-Generation"

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