HELP!! : replacing bolt, power steering hose, 88' 5kcstq

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Tue Dec 19 13:42:23 EST 2000

Its a MAJOR pain in the ass... 2 ways of going about this....

1.  Leave the rack in place in the car and super glue the washers to either
side of the hose, that way you only have to worry about the bolt and the
hose fitting.  Still not easy to do and will cause much swearing :).

2.  Take out the 2 bolts that secure the rack to the car at either end and
then pull the rack forward.  I would have done this in my car but it was too
hard to get the left side bolt out so i just suffered through procedure 1.
Once the rack is loose then you have much more space to install your hose
with washers and bolt.  Then just reattach the rack to the car.

Good luck either way... i dont envy you, its a major PITA anyway you look at


-----Original Message-----
From: Bfg412 at [mailto:Bfg412 at]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 1:09 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: HELP!! : replacing bolt, power steering hose, 88' 5kcstq

So I was able to remove the hose. 
Installing the new hose was a different story. I cannot attach this bolt 
while trying to keep the bolt, two washers and the end of the hose together 
while trying blindly to screw the bolt back in, especially when the new hose

is also fighting me. I tried tying the washers to the end of the hose with 
string and this worked, but I still cannot attach the bolt. Now I cannot
drive the car to a mechanic who I presume would have an easy time replacing 
this hose(?). I'm going to assume there's a simple method for re-fastening 
this rack bolt, either from under the hood o
r under the car, with standard or maybe special tools (?) and that someone 
out there knows exactly what I need to do! 

Thanks in advance for your responses!

Joe Doblick
Pgh, PA
1988 5kcstq

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