FW: Decel valve

Block, Paul Paul.Block at fortjamesmail.com
Wed Dec 20 14:02:50 EST 2000

Hi sorry if you get this twice.  I tried sending it this morning, but did
not see it in the digest or get any responses, so here it is again.

> Hi folks,
> A couple of easy questions.  
> Is a sticky decel valve fixable?  I'm assuming it's not as Bently says to
replace it and I 
> couldn't find any fix-its in the archives, so I'll ask the second
> Does anyone know the part num for the decel valve on an 89 200q
(WAUGC0449KN004876).  I 
> included my vin because I was told that there are two different ones for
the car.  Is one 
> supposed to supercede the other?  Do they actually work differently?
> Thanks a bunch for the info.  I am trying to get this ordered and fixed
before the weekend, 
> but the last couple of days, I haven't had time to take the old one out to
get the pn.
> Thanks again
> -Paul

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