Hakka 1s

Greg Johnson gregsj at iea.com
Wed Dec 20 07:02:30 EST 2000


The Hakka 1s are my first set of studded tires so it's hard to compare.
They are noisier than the Blizzaks I had, but then their eco studs are
quieter than the studs on my wife's Gislaveds.  They are not that
intrusive and I've gotten used to them.  We had a studded tire day last
Sunday.   Light slush rain over snow then a freeze.  It was a skating
rink out there and the Hakkas were wonderful.  I doubt they'll
disappoint you.  BTW, some dealers will let your drive a tire for a few
days and if you don't like them, take them back and exchange them for
another set of tires.

Greg J

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