the story behind that ever so popular jetta (nac)

BRIAN O'NEILL briano_72 at
Wed Dec 20 18:00:21 EST 2000

found this on specialized german parts and recyclings
web page, thought it was even funnier than the
                                  brian o'
           Volkswagen Jetta - 3,000 Lbs Payload

Here is the story, as we heard it.  Please note that
we have no way of corroborating or verifying the truth
of the story. the picture was taken, in Waldorf (State
unknown), by a Transportation Supervisor for a company
that delivers building materials for '84 Lumber'. 
When he saw this, in the parking lot of IHOP, he
immediately went and purchased a camera, to take this
picture. The man that was driving the VW Jetta, left a
woman asleep
and the engine running, while he went jogging up and
down Route 925, in the background.The driver came
back, just as police were about to cut the twine
around the load.  They told him to get back, until the
load had been removed.FYI, the materials had been
loaded at a 'Home Depot'...  The store manager saying
that the the customer had signed a waiver!
               The Payload - 3,000 lbs...  
Roof - 2x4s, 4x4s and OSL sheets of lumber. Back Seat
- 10 bags of concrete (80 lbs each). 

               The Jetta...   Both back tires were
trashed. The rear shocks were driven up through the
floorboard. The car, a VW Jetta, had Florida plates on
it...  The driver said that he was headed for Annapolis.

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