Per Lindgren lindgre at
Thu Dec 21 13:41:05 EST 2000

Couldnt agree more.

About 5 weeks ago I was one of the first car to an accident scene, a 29 year old
guy crashed his 68 'Vette into a wall, the car caught fire and one of his two
(!) passengers didnt get out before the car was engulfed in flames. I heard the
crash and was at the scene within 3 minutes (I called 911 in the meantime) and
when I was at the scene the car was a bonfire. A 20 y.o. kid died, they coroner
couldnt identify his body because of the extreme temperatures in the car.

Drive safely, we are all too valuable to risk anything.

92 Cab 2.3

The Quattro King wrote:

> Be smart, don't drink and drive.  Last night, I witnessed a drunk driving
> accident.  The hero in the the drivers seat was swerving a little (I noticed
> this and stayed back).  He then got real brave and hit 60-70 MPH in a 35 MPH
> zone through a residential area.  After coming off a nice long sweeper with
> a 3 degree down hill lost control spun 3.5 times faced on coming traffic,
> skidded across 3 lanes of traffic only after hitting a concrete divider and
> a 2 foot high snow bank then smashed into the concrete wall at the edge of a
> bridge with a river 200 feet below.  2 or 3 kids got out of the car and
> started throwing beer bottles of the bridge.  Worst of all, the driver
> looked like he was about 30.  One would think he would be smarter then that.
> What jerks.  They put all our lives in danger.  Drive smart folks.
> Shayne P.
> 1972 MB 280 SEL
> 1984 4ksq
> 1987 4ks
> 1991 v8q5
> 1991 200q Sedan
> 1992 S4
> Parting:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5

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