[V6-12v] Dash lights, again...

Todd Young tyoung at wamnet.com
Thu Dec 21 07:57:11 EST 2000

I'm CC'ing the 12vList and main list for general info, see original post
at bottom.

First you have to remove the upper portion of the steering column cover.
There are two screws that hold it in place, accessable from the bottom
of the steering column. Once you remove the upper cover (the bottom
isn't so easy to remove and you really don't need to), you will see two
phillips head screws at the bottom of the gage cluster, the steering
column cover was hiding them. Remove those two screws, now the gage
cluster just pulls outward. You will only be able to pull it out a
couple inches, and then the wire loom will stop it. Now is the time to
find someone with thin fingers to snake their hand in and release the
connectors, it helps to use a flat screwdriver as the connectors use the
ever-present clips to hold them on. If I remember correctly, there are 4
connectors, I think you access two from each side. Once the connectors
are all off, getting the cluster out is a matter of wiggling and
cussing, but it will come out without removing the steering wheel
(BTDT!). Once you have the cluster out, you will see the outside temp
gage is just screwed to the bottom of the cluster. Remove the screws. I
can't remember if those screws also hold it together. Anyway, once you
get to the point where the temp gage comes apart BE VERY CAREFUL. There
are two square rubbery pieces that may fall out. These rubbery pieces
are actually electrical conductors for the connection between the LCD
and the PC board, if they are not oriented correctly when put back in,
the display will not work. Replacing the bulb is a simple matter of
desoldering the old and soldering in the replacement 12volt, 60mA bulb
you bought from Radio Shack.

While you're at Radio Shack, you might as well pick up a couple packs of
those bulbs. I've used them in some of the dash switchs (defrost,
emergency flashers, etc), and in the direction control pad for the
outside rear view mirrors. I even used one in an old Pioneer stereo
tuner/amp I picked up for in the bedroom; the "tuner slider" was
supposed to be lit up, but the bulb was burnt out, lo and behold, it was
12volts, so I soldered one of the bulbs in and gee, now I have light.

Muhammad wrote:
> Todd, Thanks... how *would* I remove the cluster? You
> guys tell me it is easy... but I haven't done it before.
> --- Todd Young <tyoung at wamnet.com> wrote:
> > Maybe they just forgot to plug it back in. The temp display has it's own
> > bulb soldered to the PC board for the LCD display. If you ask the
> > dealership to replace that bulb, they'll probably charge you for a new
> > temp display, as I don't believe they would go in and solder in a new
> > bulb.
> > Removing the gage cluster isn't that difficult. The temp display is just
> > fastened to the bottom of the gage cluster. If you have any experience 
> > with soldering you can replace the bulb yourself with a 60mA, 12volt
> > bulb from Radio Shack.
Life's a beach. Dig your toes into the sand and enjoy.
Todd Young 		WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung at wamnet.com	655 Lone Oak Drive, Bldg #A
651-256-5051		Eagan, MN 55121
800-585-1133 ext.5051	http://www.wamnet.com/
'93 Audi 90S (|___\====OOOO====/___|)

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