HELP!! : replacing bolt, power steering hose, 88' 5kcstq

Wallace White wallacewhite at
Wed Dec 20 22:17:19 EST 2000

Mike -

> Lastly, when you have a replacement hose made at some local hydraulic shop
> (which costs about $25-30, and will last forever), they build it with
> fittings that you can loosen while you wiggle the hose into alignment. That
> makes it MUCH easier than the OEM style one-piece hose.

I'd just like to add that the hydraulic shop rebuild isn't always as
great as what Mike got. I wound up paying $55 for a hose with no
swivels, and I think the rebuilt hose is causing a groaning noise as the
steering moves. Wrong size restrictor? It's been like that for a couple
of months. I hate to even think of unbolting that hose again.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 167k

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