Oil light, pressure gauge and other

Joshua Field joshua at orbitinteractive.com
Thu Dec 21 16:55:41 EST 2000

do i need to replace the sensor? if so will this fix both the warning and 
the analog gauge?


At 12:30 PM 12/21/2000 -0500, Joshua Field wrote:

>Recently acquired a 1990 Coupe Quattro (and i am thrilled!) - and I've got 
>a long list of things to deal with. #1 on the list is sorting out the 
>warning i am getting. As i accelerate and hit about 3k RPM the oil warning 
>light starts to beep and flash. (the little dripping oil can animation)
>Also - the gauges aren't doing anything (oil pressure and oil temp). The 
>pressure gauge reads all the way to the right and the temp is flat at the 
>left. I am wondering if the sensor/sender is integrated with the dash 
>warning or not.
>Incidentally, the coolant temp gauge is dead as well. related? - i am 
>guessing its only related in as much as its an Audi electronic part. :)
>thanks for any help!
>Joshua Field

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