Smoked taillights (on type44)

jens.roesner at jens.roesner at
Fri Dec 22 10:53:52 EST 2000

Hi there!

( >>: TM wrote)
( >: Ti Kan wrote)
>> Does anyone know how I can purchase one of these smoked taillight
>> sets, preferably new? It has to have the trunk lock hole in the
>> light panel, as it would be for my 200q.
> I don't think there are any stock type 44 turbo taillights that come
> smoked from the factory.  
Absolutely correct.

> There *are* Audi V8 taillights which are all 
> deep red, those are the closest thing and will fit your 200q.
Probably you will have to break two plastic lashes on each side.
Don't worry, as this part was sold as an add-on for Audi 100 and 200 in
Germany with exactly that breaking-off described in the installation manual! 
They are not completely red, as the white rear facing lights (What's that
in English: Rueckfahrscheinwerfer?) are covered by some red stripes.
But it looks great nevertheless, I think.

> I think
> ABT or Treser may have offered type 44 smoked lights, but they are
> to be NLA.  
It was Treser. They were expensive when they still were produced. Now,
with Treser defunct, noone produces them. There are a few guys here in Germany
having bought some, who will sell it as NOS (new old stock). But they are
rather expensive (and rare).
IMHO, stick with the red V8 lights. For almost all body colours, it looks

> At any rate, aftermarket "smoking" of the lens will reduce
> light transmission and is therefore undesirable.
Indeed! In the 80s there were several sprays which would be legal here in
Germany, but none of those is still available.

(with Treser section, as you probably know)

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