MC engine crank needle bearing

james accordino ssgacc at
Fri Dec 22 05:44:24 EST 2000

--- quk at wrote:
> crank.  But how do you get it out?  I've heard
> stories of
> grease packing, etc., but that can't work on this
> bearing
> because it's totally enclosed - there's no way any
> grease can
> get behind it.

I tried grease packing even tho I had the puller in
the basement because it had worked several times
before on American iron.  All I got from 3 or 4
attempts was a face full of grease.  No movement at
> I've tried a serious professional 'blind bearing
> puller'.  I can
> get it fitted perfectly and use a slide hammer.  No
> movement
> whatsoever ...

The bearing should not be totally bottomed out in the
crank hole.  I used an attachment that came with the
slide hammer and first hit moved it 1/4" and second
hit yanked it right out.  It destroys the old bearing.
 BTW the "hammer" on mine is about 10 lbs.  Last
resort?  Cut the cage with a small, sharp cold chisel.
 The cage is very light gauge steel.  I noticed how
easily the cage deformed and collapsed when I used the
hammer puller.

Good luck
Jim Accordino

ps-did you remember to mark your flywheels orientation?

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