Snow tires (M&S)

Brad Wilson bradw at
Fri Dec 22 07:39:30 EST 2000

AudiBiTurbo at wrote:

> For the full list of approved "severe snow condition" tires:

I read through to the definition of Oregon's chain law. Interestingly, an
Audi Quattro is excluded from having to have chains as long as it has some
M+S, all weather, or "traction" tire (their definition includes studded, or
the severe marked tires) -- meaning, as long as the tires are not 3-season.
It qualifies as an exceptional vehicle (<grin>). Not that I'd drive without
snows, anyway, or that I'll be in Oregon any time soon...

Best regards,

2000 A6 2.7 biturbo quattro

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