Fuel system diagnostic help.

M. Oesterwinter marcuso at u.washington.edu
Sat Dec 23 07:41:33 EST 2000

Cap was old, but nothing really odd.  Rotor was replaced pretty
recently.  Plugs seemed fine to me, but I wouldn't know the
difference.  Oddly enough, after test driving for the first time, the car
still had problems.  Then I drove the car again to test the O2 sensor
under load, and it seemed to do fine.  I am thinking that mabey if I am
really lucky, it was just a loose connection to the O2 sensor....

Now I have two new fun problems.  1. Battery or alternator - I suppose the
battery (if I almost stall it, the lights quickly dim).  2. Headlights
switch is stuck in the on position.  I can get the lights off, but it
doesn't click into place.  Ugh!

On Sat, 23 Dec 2000, Bill Rowe wrote:

> when the pump gets real bad you can hear it "buzzing" as the wife pulls into
> the driveway :)  but somehow i don't think that's your problem.  what was
> condition of cap, rotor, and plug when you removed 'em?
> ---Original Message-----
> From: Kneale Brownson [mailto:knotnook at traverse.com]
> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 10:26 PM
> To: M. Oesterwinter; Bill Rowe
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: Fuel system diagnostic help.
> You might hear it if you put your head in the trunk and there's not much
> other noise around.  The pump runs only when the engine is turning
> over/operating.  Just turning on the key without engaging the starter won't
> let you hear the pump.
> At 06:50 PM 12/22/2000 -0800, M. Oesterwinter wrote:
> >I replaced the cap and rotor.  I was just at the store to buy a spark plug
> >socket.  I will hopefully replace the plugs tonight.  I can't hear the
> >fuel pump.  It is located in the gas tank, right?
> >
> >- Marcus
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