[urq] 'restoring' my urq

Bob mx at snet.net
Sat Dec 23 07:43:49 EST 2000

It was built for a rally car and has only dyno time. With stock turbo it
was mid 300 hp. Should be plenty for a daily driver.
The car needs some cosmetic work (thats the way I got it though....) so
now its time to bring it back to life :)

Michael Benno wrote:

>  What?....
> Geez Bob you are so casual about that. You know Like on my way home
> from the grocery store I "picked-up" that SportQ at the dealer.. and
> then I stopped off at the coffee shop for a esspresso....
> Where the hell does one "pick-up" a balanced and blueprinted
> 20vt-Muter? Big bucks I bet.
> Merry Christmass.
> Michael Benno
>   Bob <mx at snet.net> wrote:
>      ...With that in mind, I picked up a balanced and blueprinted
>      20V motor for
>      it, with ECU and harness. Ill be dropping that in soon (next
>      couple
>      weeks)...
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