
Tom Donohue donohue at netconnx.net
Sat Dec 23 11:07:23 EST 2000

Was the lad's name "Ferris Buehler" or something?

Brett Dikeman wrote:

> So, this morning, I notice the next door neighbor's garage door is
> looking slightly inoperative(lower panel smashed), and said neighbor
> is walking around outside looking very grumpy.  Now, they've got one
> of those under-the-house garages with a short and down-sloping
> straight driveway into the garage, so I thought that maybe the car
> that's always parked there rolled down the driveway...but said car is
> parked as usual and looks fine.
> <<snip>>The story goes that a young 16 year old driver(minus the all
> important license) lost control of his vehicle entering the street,
> bounced off the neighbor's car(parked in the street in front of the
> lawn), went -through- the lawn, -off- the rock wall, down into the
> driveway, and through the garage door(sorry, no diagram, but it is as
> impressive as it sounds)...
> ...where his little amusement park ride was promptly, and
> destructively, brought to an end by the posterior of one
> brand-spankin' new, pristine, babied, never-taken-out-of-the-garage,
> Mercedes E320.
> Whuuuups.

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