Fuel system diagnostic help.

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Sat Dec 23 10:45:47 EST 2000

>  > The symptoms you describe
>>sound like a fuel starvation problem. Next time this happens, go open
>>the fuel tank, and see if you get a huge whoosh of air going into the
>>tank. Sometimes the vent lines get plugged up and cause a vacuum to
>>form in the tank as fuel is pumped out.
>that is supposed to happen.

Sort of. A slight vacuum is supposed to form, but the tank is vented 
through the charcoal cannister. A deep vacuum in the tank will cause 
trouble for the pump, and collapse the tank. I believe actually that 
at least one lister has experienced the problem with collapsed tanks. 
Or that may have been on the vanagon list.
Joshua Van Tol -- josh at spiny.com

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