bomb question

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Dec 26 19:51:13 EST 2000

The hydraulics system operates at something like 2400 psi pressure.  Inside 
the brake system "bomb" is a diaphragm with oil on one side and nitrogen 
at, I believe,  a lesser pressure on the other.  The "bomb" 
accumulates  pressure  by compressing the nitrogen somewhat and stretching 
the diaphragm.  When called upon, the accumulated pressure is let loose 
incrementally to supply boosted braking in the event the engine is no 
longer turning the pump to maintain pressure.

At 02:47 PM 12/26/2000 -0500, Konstantin Bogach wrote:

>Hi all.
>Could someone explain to me what the purpose for nitrogen  in the bomb?
>Konstantin Bogach.

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