4KQ runs rough when cold...

Huw Powell audi at mediaone.net
Wed Dec 27 17:03:09 EST 2000

Bill Phelps wrote:
> I've notice recently that after starting my 87 4KCSQ in the cold weather, it
> runs a bit rough for the first minute or so. The car starts fine and idles
> fine, but if you press the accelerator too soon it chugs a bit. Once it
> warms up, the car runs great. I know German cars run a bit rough when cold,

they shouldn't

> but I have not noticed this problem in this car before.
> Within the last two years all of the normal "tune up" stuff has been done
> including the plugs, wires, dist. cap and rotor, fuel pump, fuel filters
> (both of em), all vac hoses and stuff are good too.
> Any ideas? Cold start injector?

it won't be that, it only runs for a few seconds.  more likely a sticky

Huw Powell



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