
edkellock at juno.com edkellock at juno.com
Wed Dec 27 23:12:00 EST 2000

This is an old post that I dredged up because I am amazed that
I have just found 93 octane LEADED premiun at a local station.
It's going for 1.699 a gallon.  I actually tried to put some in my
CGT partially out of disbelief since I had bought some 93 octane
UNleaded at a sister station to this one, FarmCrest Dairy stores.
The kitty on the Coupe is hollow, so I wasn't worried about that,
but alas the filler neck restrictor "saved" me.

Funny thing is, I've been noticing how amazingly well the CGT has
been running for the last couple weeks.  Very strong mid range,
mid throttle pull.  I had been attributing it to a rich running condition
and very cool weather.  Those may have been a factor, but I finally
realized earlier this evening that the last full tank was 93 octane
from the other FarmCrest station.  Duh.  I filled with the midrange 87
and will see how it runs comparatively for the next couple weeks.

I'm going to take the V8 over to the unleaded 93 station tomorrow
just for kicks.  I think the last tank was 87 and I've been grousing
about how shitty it's been running.  Now that I have only a 3 mile
commute, my fillups are far between.

Anyway, not sure that the discovery of leaded 93 octane is
all that notable, but I haven't seen leaded gas in a long, long time.

Carry on...

Colorado Springs

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 11:08:49 -0500 "Kaklikian, Gary"
<Gary.Kaklikian at compaq.com> writes:
> For those of you in the Denver area, there is an alternative - 
> Petroleum on S. Santa Fe (303)781-0546 sells 101 & 105 octane  unleaded
> racing fuels. The 101 is $3 per gallon and there is a frequent  buyer
> discount to $2.60.  A few Phillips 66 stations in the area also sell 
> 101, including one at E.Colfax and Josephine near downtown. 
> All you really need is about 1/2 tank of the 101 mixed with the 
> other half 91 to get quicker spool-up and cooler temps. 
> BTW, the only octane boosters I have had any luck with are the ones 
> with nitromethane, which I stopped using because it is potentially 
> damaging to O2 sensors.
> Gary Kaklikian
> 86 4ktq
> 92 S4
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