Alignment time. at at
Thu Dec 28 23:37:10 EST 2000

> What are some good questions to ask the alignment dude/dudette specific to
> quattros?  Are there any procedures other than normal that MUST be followed?

A reasonably recent recommendation of mine that seems to be producing
results beyond my dreams:

a) Find all the adjustments on your car.

b) Loosen them all up.  May be non-trivial.

c) Mis-set everything.

This eliminates two monkey-boy excuses:

1) "I can't loosen it, but it's within tolerance."

2) "It doesn't need to be changed - it's within tolerance."

There is no tolerance with a quattro - there is only nominal.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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