200q20v Blue Smoke Startup

edkellock at juno.com edkellock at juno.com
Thu Dec 28 18:07:47 EST 2000

I'm going to go out on a limb a bit here...
When I had my 91 20v Avant, I would get that blue
smoke if I had driven it hard and not cooled it properly
before shutting down.  Is it possible that in your enthusiasm,
justified and understandle, that you might have done something
similar?  Just a thought.


On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 16:53:28 -0500 "Alexander van Gerbig"
<Audi_80 at email.msn.com> writes:
>     I had to use the 200q20v again today and when I started it up 
> there was
> a noticeable cloud of blue smoke behind the car.  I didn't notice 
> this
> yesterday, but I've noted it before when someone else was driving.  
> The blue
> smoke disappears after a minute of warming up and all is fine.  
> Plenty of
> oil pressure according to the gauge.  Plenty of oil in the engine.  
> When
> driving the car the engine feels fit and full of vigor, though that 
> whole
> turbo lag junk really stinks.  Boost display read 1.7 when I push 
> the car
> hard, once it read 1.8.  Now is this blue smoke most likely seals, 
> rings, or
> turbo issues?  The car has 195k miles, almost all of that is very 
> tame
> highway driving, mum's foot isn't too heavy.
> TIA,
> Alexander van Gerbig -- '88 80
> The Audi  80 Pages-----------------
> http://surf.to/the80pages.com
> North Ferrisburg, VT 05473
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