A6 recall

AudiBiTurbo at aol.com AudiBiTurbo at aol.com
Thu Dec 28 20:33:03 EST 2000

Jon, I think you've heard incorrectly about gas causing this.  The A6 fuel 
tank is oddly shaped and requires multiple senders (3 I think)!!  So then 
this has to be sorted out by a computer.  Long story short, if one sender is 
slightly miscalibrated (or "off"), the computer goes into a loop and has a 
difficult time reporting the correct fuel amount.  Frankly, when it works, 
it's an amazing engineering feat.  =)
Audi was plagued with a supplier that has normal fuel sender tolerances- 
something an average driver would never know or "see" in a normal setup.  
With the multiple senders (the most Audi uses), the normal tolerances can 
stack up to be a malfunction.
BTW, there is a TSB already out for this situation.
Mark Rosenkrantz
AudiBiTurbo at aol.com (lemon A8 again, great S4)
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